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It has been said that the question isn't whether or not we will worship something, but rather what thing will it be that we worship?  As a church we believe that it is the worship of God that our hearts find their right place and that this worship flows into and makes a difference in our daily lives.  We believe worship happens in various ways.  Our communal worship is always come as you are.  We believe Jesus wasn't so much worried about outward appearance as he was about where one's heart is at.  Worship among us is probably best described as a blend.  Traditional, contemporary, ancient practices, new practices, young, and ripe. You can usually find a little bit of it all.  You'll also notice that we value a variety of people helping lead and contributing in worship.  We welcome you to join us for worship and it is our hope and prayer that you would encounter the presence, hope, grace, and love of God.  ALL are welcome. 


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